Lake Holden News 2017 October – December

Household Tips…Surprisingly Dangerous Foods for Dogs…

PopcornPlain, air-popped, unsalted, un-buttered popcorn may be okay in small amounts. For dogs, high levels of fat and sodium typically found in popcorn can lead to dehydration in the short term, and obesity in the long term. In addition, the hard, un-popped kernels can hurt teeth and gums on the way in.

AvocadoThe skin and leaves contain persin, an oil-soluble toxin that can be dangerous to non-human mammals. Pets sensitive to persin may experience “respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart, and even death.” Avocado is safe if you avoid the skin and leaves—so it’s OK as an ingredient in dog foods.

Macadamia NutsCan cause vomiting, ataxia (the loss of control of body movements), weakness, and depression. In other words, macadamia nuts can make dogs very, very ill. Thankfully, most dogs recover without any specific treatment.

GrapesGrapes are among the people foods most toxic to dogs. In dogs, grapes can lead to kidney failure and even death, and it’s unclear why it affects certain dogs and not others.  Blueberries are a healthy dog-safe alternative, plain or in treats.

Onions and GarlicGarlic and onions are toxic to dogs in any form, whether fresh, cooked, dried, or powdered.  They can damage dogs’ red blood cells, decreasing oxygen flow, and can also lead to anemia, which may cause organ damage.

Tomato Plants (Raw Potatoes, Too)Green or raw potatoes and un-ripened tomatoes and tomato plants can cause gastrointestinal distress, lethargy, weakness, and confusion.

Coffee and TeaWe all know chocolate is toxic for canines, but did you know that caffeine is also one of the most dangerous foods for dogs? Caffeine is a powerful stimulant, and can cause “vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, restlessness and an increased heart rate” in pets.

Dairy (Yes, Even Cheese)This one is a huge surprise: dairy can be really bad for your dog. Cheese is a popular dog training treat, and it’s not really one of the most dangerous foods for dogs. However, too much cheese can cause constipation or diarrhea in the short term, and in the long term, obesity and lasting gastrointestinal issues.

Sugar-Free GumThe problem here is a sweetener used in many sugar-free candies and gums. Xylitol is a naturally-occurring substance in popular use as an alternative sweetener—and it’s deadly to dogs.  Xylitol ingestion causes life-threatening hypoglycemia (dangerously low blood sugar).  It can occur in sugar-free peanut butter, sugar-free toothpaste, and more.

The Bottom LineSome people food is safe for your pup, such as lean meats, carrot sticks, and many fruits and veggies. If your dog isn’t lactose intolerant, then plain Greek yogurt or cottage cheese can be enjoyed in small amounts, too. It’s okay to treat your dog to a nibble of your food on occasion, but steer clear of the stuff with noted dangerous effects.

~Thought for the Day ~

“Curiosity has kept me young as I have gotten older”.

Jeanne Richbourg

Jeanne Richbourg

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